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Theyd been texting each other for a month and he hadnt told me, and theyd also spoken on the phone twice. That really hurt when I found out, but he didnt seem to see that hed done anything wrong. The worst that I read was he asked her if she still thought about him. I just wondered and still do why he wanted to know that.
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Most guys would be so insulted by 1) that that would have finished things right there. But this guy gave her another chance, he cuddled with her, he was nice to her, and she "thanked" him by just....leaving.
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Why would you put yourself through this voluntarily?
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And who doesn't regard Larry David as a hero.
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do try to read them all.
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fia split spread jump flying
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1 and 5
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well everything is truly a risk at each stage along the way. Though I think 3 dates in is too soon. In my opinion, it is more of a stacking of certain actions and demonstrations of interest and moving toward exclusivity that are what allow each person to prove themselves. And still then there is a risk though you can be more sure. However, as your example proves there are still those that change their minds or were duping you all along. I would guess though that there were still some red flags that could have given you an indication. This is by no means putting the blame on you or saying that you should have jumped ship if you had noticed. Even in relationships that end up working out, people put up red flags, which I think are usually a sign that they are scared to move forward, get closer or incapable of doing so. Sometimes you just have to take the risk regardless because you are invested and want to see where it goes and as an individual will grow from it. So my advice is to look at his actions rather that a predetermined time factor. Some people move slow, some faster--and often there are many other life factors involved that make each relationship unique. The best advice i can give to answer is ENJOY where you are now with him fully & don't rush it. Also work on re-discovering what YOUR standards are and see if he meets them. If you start to see yourself more within the process rather than trying to get the end result (a relationship), you will be in best position once you do get a relationship with anyone. Good luck!
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she's pretty
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I'm clean but I feel like being dirty!
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looking for my Greek prince charmin.
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I am a born and raised local surfer who loves having a good tim.
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Originally posted by yellowrose
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What does this mean, exactly? What have you said or done in the past that has apparently hurt her this much?
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I proceeded to live the next few months under the impression I had herpes. I felt ruined, disgusting, felt like I'd never have a dating life. Joined support forums (what was mentioned above about it only being new members, that people eventually calm down and get on with life and no longer come to the forums, is TRUE).
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Perfect! Awesome!
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absolutely wow