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Hi.seeking a long term relationshi.
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It really is that black and white. You're so right.
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Waist looks photoshopped?
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not only that body, but also that dirty smile, just WOW!!!
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My favorite pic on this site
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Being excluded sucks and is suspect but I don't want to force her to invite me along either. Who wants to be around were you're not wanted. It makes me mad that she doesn't offer to invite me to go out partying with her and her friends. Not that I want or need to party, but she hasn't even given me the option to come along or turn down the invitation. Last time she was going to go out to a club, I actually asked to come along to see what she would say and she said "you wouldn't have fun with a bunch of girls". She didn't go out that occasion. She said it was because she was tired. Nice to know I'm not a factor in whether she decides to party or not. If she's available, I always invite her to hang out with my friends and me.
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Anyways, they are two adults, it's their relationship, stay out of it. You should at least tell your buddy, if you find out that he is cheating on her, or it even looks like he is doing something wrong, you are not going to hesitate to tell her EVERYTHING. And you will punch his lights out lol. That will make him think twice.
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Hi. I'm 59 single woman, looking for a friend to start, I have one male older cat left, I love the ocean and the water, I'm an easy going woman and get along with most people. My season is spring.
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She is hot!!
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I am deeply hurt by this as he both agreed to leave both of our pasts in the past (by us both blocking exes on social media/phones etc).. which i have of course stuck by!!
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ENTREPENEUR: borders, SRB00: webcamgirl (strike two) , JOEL214: your done uploading , BIKINILVR: quality , THEBOOBSVIEWER: quality , DAMNRIGHT: watermark air mattress (strike one) , CRSTYSZQN: pro models / dupe , BUCK EEY: child x2 (strike one) , PATRIOTICBABES: dupe
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chevelle, daisey dukes, pink top
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its also "shallow" for men to go after attractive women but it happens each and every day millions of times the world over....yes genetic and human evolution are quite "shallow" when women go after the leader of the pack and men go after the nubile attractive and fertile women. but it does perpetuate the species and help the gene pool
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RUN FOR THE HILLS! Ask yourself what kind of advice you would give a female friend of yours if she was in the same situation...take yourself out of the box for a minute and ask yourself that....would you tell her to stay or go? When I did it, I know in my heart that I would've told my friend that she was a dumb*** so I figured maybe I should take my own advice.
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When they get older, they will be