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yes I am in this relationship because I truely love my current boyfriend. In no way am I only staying because I have invested four years...
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It is great to have these new feelings. The trick is to see where these feelings exist after four seasons have transpired.
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I cant tell you what to do, but, maybe stay away from these sort of events for a while.
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I just feel like she is inappropriate and so is their relationship.
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met this cute bundle of a firecracker last week. easy location, good parking and easy to arrange an appointment. she came wearing a nice uniform. amazing assets! a tiny waist and an ass straight out of a fantasy. bj was heavenly..great skills and positions. will repeat for sure.
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Two reasons why I vote dump: she's far too skinny for my taste, and I absolutely HATE it when a girl blocks her face with her phone. ... (too each there own) ...
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Here to its a good one
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What a pleasant picture
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Because she got put in her place by your wife and
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Originally Posted by boyboy
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He wasn't very verbally expressive in response, but the few words he said spoke volumes to me. * didnt say he wanted to be exclusive