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As far as this lady goes, you have said loads of times you'd compromise on partying, sounds like she wasn't going to be around for long anyway, you could have given it a shot just for a few weeks.
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Must be a bit chilly.
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Nice lean thighs
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life is short so live up to ma.
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yes so nice
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No, I'm not ready for alot of things, Alchemyst. I'm only 17 f*cking years old!! I haven't got the life experience that alot of you on here have...I REALISE THAT!
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Nice bra and jeans girl
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Yeah, she was interested in you at the time.
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Have you tried counseling to aquire some tools to over come your anxiety?
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well I have a house which I bought at 27 and I did not live at home except for a year after college.I also put myself through college.
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In the winter I vacay in N. miami and visit often, and at Sunday RIver Maine. I am a lawyer, and volunteer for.
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My name is Mathew, father of 3 kids, I'm responsible and hard working, want a loyal woman to spend the rest of my life with, I'm fun to be wit.
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Looks a little like Lexi Belle