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Unless I was lied to...which is entirely possible, they said in my age range 20-27 there were 47 women that matched my criteria. As for the males there were 78 or something like that. I doubt there is a way out of the contract. I assume it would be cheaper in the long run to just pay it out and at least make them work for the money.
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Girls just grind on people and they don't even know who they are, what the hell is the point? It looks silly beyond belief too.
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Everything which you have written screams that she is not fully committed to you. People do not text others at night, call them daddy (with the obvious sexual connotations, unless he is alot older then her?) and then say to their partner they want to have fun and maybe with another person of the opposite sex.
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Here in america, we had a tv show called dukes of hazzard. It was about the duke family. There was a hot chick who's name was daisy and she always wore short denim shorts.