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im not looking for any form of sympathy by typing this up more of a way for my self to vent in my drunken haze.
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Wish we could see her face, but yeah. Great ass
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one of the best escorts I ever met, pics are real, soft and caring, will come again for sure
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daisy dukes brunette
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The question is, if you lack social intelligence or charisma, how can you acquire it? It seems like social skills are notoriously difficult to teach, and very subtle to understand.
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Did she hook up with Mr New on the flight to you?
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Helloooooo nurse!
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im getting uploads temporarily disabled for the last 3 weeks will the admins please fix this problem
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Disappointment? Yes.
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What is he thinking? I asked him if he was just interested in casual dating/friends with benefits and he said no. Now things are awkward. His texts warmed up after but because i'm so reserved, he seems to have cooled down. We have plans to hang out on Sunday. Should i even bother going?
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That's correct, ettu. I'm beachin' it right now :) Gotta love south florida.
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i love her, i love the tongue and her little bra strap
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try this one
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ghostcar: Haven't you been warned before? I could swear you have.
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Looks like a bad Tom Petty video!!
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