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middle for me, wow
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I love army guys :) and athletic guys with nice bodies :.
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im moving to the country
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outdoors type.like hiking camping boating water skiing and horseback riding. Lake pictures from 9/1.
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But for some reason it really upsets me knowing that he could stay with me for longer if he waned to.
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1. Body language. For example fixed eye contact, laughing at your jokes even when they aren't that funny, light touching, smiling, arms not crossed. Also, when you actually do hear from her she sound like she is interested in what you have to say and asks questions.
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"I met Selena & Brianna 2 days ago for a Duo and it was amazing.Even hotter than their pictures, they made me feel like a King for 2 hours.Very professional, they know what to do and how to do it. Almost ran out of condoms.Thanks ladies. Will definetely meet them again.